Sunday, July 22, 2012

How Our Bodies Go the Extra Mile to Keep Us Staying Healthy

Our bodies are truly a miracle when you consider how they operate in such a complicated and miniaturized way to stay healthy. Nano technology at its best would be a more accurate description.

o Consider we have 100 trillion cells in our body and 1,000 trillion bacteria. We are outnumbered 10 to 1. We want to do everything we can to keep those bacteria friendly so we can stay healthy.
o To stay healthy we have over 3,000 different types of enzymes that must be present in each of our 100 trillion cells to work properly. I am already getting tired just thinking about this.
o Our large and small intestines combined are about 30 feet long. In a lifetime we shed about 40 lbs of dead skin.
o Our kidneys move 400 gallons of blood through them every day so we can stay healthy.
o Six and a half cups (1.5 Liters) of saliva are produced every day.
o Our stomachs can hold about 6 1/2 cups (1.5 liters) of food and water at one time.
o It takes about six hours to digest a high fat meal and about 2 hours for a high carb meal.
o Every ten days our taste buds are completely replaced.
o By age 60 we have permanently lost about half of our taste buds!
o Half of our enzymes are produced by our pancreas and the other half must come from what we eat to stay healthy. (has to be raw since cooking always kills all the enzymes)
o Enzymes are used for healing and digestion. With a fever over 104 degrees F all the enzymes are destroyed, making it extremely difficult to stay alive and heal the illness. Enzymes also become inactive in an acid environment, which is why almost all diseases thrive in an acid environment and are almost non existent in an alkaline body. It takes an alkaline body to stay healthy. Our body will take calcium from our bones just to keep it alkaline. We need to make certain we do not deplete our calcium further and take proper steps to provide sufficient calcium so we can stay healthy.

We have about 100,000 miles (that's 100,000 miles) of blood vessels in our bodies. This includes arteries, veins and capillaries. The vase majority of these 100,000 miles consist of the capillaries. We have about 40 Billion capillaries.

Just How Big Is a Billion, A Trillion Anything, Or Even 100,000 Miles?

Consider our earth is 25,000 miles around its circumference. This means our blood vessels could circle the earth 4 times.

Our heart beats 100,000 a day. It takes 30 years to beat one billion times. Our body part works harder than our heart to keep us staying healthy. If you earned $ 100,000 a day, it would take 30 years to make one billion dollars. Bill Gates makes considerably more than this.

Our DNA is twisted in a spiral. It is so small, yet if one DNA strand was untwisted and stretched out, it would reach 6 feet long. If our entire DNA in our one body was stretched out it would reach to and from the earth to the moon 8000 times! That's a lot of DNA to have in our body. It must be really really small. Yet as small as it is, when opened up it is measurably long enough to reach 8000 times back and forth to our moon. This seems totally impossible.

No part of our body works harder than our enzymes to keep us staying healthy.

We can help our enzymes by supplementing them with plant enzymes that were discovered in the 1930's. Our enzymes need help from co-enzymes, which are the B vitamins. The B vitamins work with our enzymes to release energy - which is why all those energy drinks and bars contain B vitamins.

One final bit of amazement. One red blood cell travels throughout our entire body in just one minute so we can stay healthy! Can we do our part to help our body keep us staying healthy? Let's not do things that add to our body's existing burdens.

Dave Mallegg

My blog ( is about staying healthy with the latest news on fun health and exercise including state of -the-art innovations on the most effective, efficient time saving exercise techniques. You will also learn the simplified version of good nutrition after I shift through all the multitude of health confusion and myths. From Dave Mallegg's 50 years of passion!